Today we want to promote the signing of the charter by all possible means. Just for today, we ask to make it a priority. Do not assume someone else will do it. We have something more than 1900 signatures, but we believe we can reach 3000 if you promote it.
one or two hours ago we published the text below in Jama and Freedom and our respective blogs and made mass mailings to this same message by email. If you have another idea of \u200b\u200bhow to promote firms do not have to consult: ejecútenla! Do not have much time.
The growth of firms
Starting tomorrow we begin to deliver a copy of the letter for the freedom of Panfilo promoters Juanes concert in Havana. Our intention is not to protest or demand anything of the musicians who have taken the decision to promote peace in Cuba, but remember, in civilized and friendly terms, why there is not. We will include all the signatures received until a few hours before delivery. If you have not signed yet, please it now! And help us in the forums, on blogs, with your contacts and associates. That whoever is in favor of the release of Pamphilus and freedom of expression in Cuba, sign today: http://www.firmasjamaylibertad.com/Firmas.php .
The growth of firms
Starting tomorrow we begin to deliver a copy of the letter for the freedom of Panfilo promoters Juanes concert in Havana. Our intention is not to protest or demand anything of the musicians who have taken the decision to promote peace in Cuba, but remember, in civilized and friendly terms, why there is not. We will include all the signatures received until a few hours before delivery. If you have not signed yet, please it now! And help us in the forums, on blogs, with your contacts and associates. That whoever is in favor of the release of Pamphilus and freedom of expression in Cuba, sign today: http://www.firmasjamaylibertad.com/Firmas.php .