Yesterday I was in Alba de Tormes to see the Festival which had held the federation presidents arenas.
Which by the way, or prison harm than the boring and clueless president in yesterday afternoon. Did not hear anything. If not to the bullfighters and did not change thirds.
was a beautiful evening. I was lucky to see the race along with Vitigudino Augustine, a good man, very keen and knowledgeable.
afternoonAs I say I loved it. I made it quite clear because the figures are figures of bullfighting. Because of his love and determination. Do not stop or at festivals.
Juan Mora was very well leaving very artistic and beautiful passages. I stay with some old doubloons and bullfighters. As a natural, and also the great moments right there. Enrique Ponce
could not do much. Before a batch was impossible for you below, and was oriented replenished quickly. Then we remove the penalty giving the hat. To which his attack was noble and classy Ponce is like. The trouble in the third series opened the hoof. Yet the bottom and stand bag bull to Ponce give her party.
Julián López El Juli, buffff this pa'comerselo. That ambition, love. Can with whatever happens. does what he is pleased. If the bull falls into other hands had not been pardoned, of course it was noble with race but not for clemency. I liked that at the end of the task when squeezed below Juli and demanding a lot. The bull came up and pulled caste. Then pardoned and would not leave the square. Gallo
Lydian mansote a steer something that marred the opening and runs. The shot was adapted and giving it a arrimón nearby. Sorry to say but did not see Gallo decided. I saw him tense, forced ... no. Capea
I like, wide awake, excited and doing great things, but still do not like their aesthetics to give muletazos but good your way and your style. Del Alamo
saw him disoriented, and dull. Sees no impact as to what he does and is not found. And the fact that the flip was authentic lilac. I hope he takes fast the site as it deserves.
Angel Bravo And the bullfighter with a bull without class was willful.
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