Thursday, May 21, 2009
Can A Woman Breastfeed Her Husband In Islam
During the year and a half I've been publishing this blog, I've given the job of keeping it as a space stubbornly monolingual. Of course I have published translations into Castilian and I have cited references that I receive from the language of Eliot, but I have not written a single post in English.
The reason has been bifida.
Firstly, I would not assume that all my readers speak both languages. In my real life, which is this blog, but lived in flesh and blood, I have seen time and again that although most of my friends and acquaintances English speakers speak English, not so with Anglophones and English. (Let no one be alarmed, I am not announcing the discovery of warm water). Come on, I did not want to mix Tyrian and Trojan horses. The other reason
is a practical (and sentimental). I have friends (and relatives) who grew up in Cuba, take less than a decade in northern lands and then they're releasing Anglicisms, barbarism and other atrocities beloved product mix and pollution of both languages. Let's say: "I have to keep the job." That tenderness I gave a friend of the blog-reader, "meaning" I have to catch up. " His sentence is a literal translation of "I have to keep up with work."
Given that over seventy percent of my life passes in English, I-I am an inveterate Anglophile, "in order to create a space in which he might retain (and practice) my native language, stubborn me to post this blog only in English. Moreover, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting in English in a blog that is called Belascoaín and Neptune left me a bitter taste in your mouth.
Ah, but it will also want to write in my adopted language ...
To satisfy that whim, I created a blog to be stubbornly monolingual in English. This blog is not in place but addition, not replace Belascoaín and Neptune, but rather complements it.
A side note: the blog of yore I've created in Wordpress and advantages of that platform have left me fool. I therefore decided to also take a Belascoaín and Neptune these properties. The next three or four days, this blog will walk into safe, as I go about moving and I get to the new format. Meanwhile
: those who have visited me in this virtual corner, I hope you do not lose the road. I'll let the watchword of both blogs as soon as you have taken the back Wordpress.
To All: Thanks.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Protein Bars Or Protein Shakes Women
birthday today the Republic and a couple of days, in Vedado, some supporters of the Castro regime broke his arm the writer Ángel Santiesteban .
birthday today the Republic and on the same date, in Matanzas, mobs attacked the Ladies in White .
birthday today the Republic and less than a half-knowing that it violates most of the items set out in its Constitution- the Castro regime was admitted to the Human Rights Council United Nations .
birthday today the Republic and from earliest infancy Cuban children are denied the right to individuality and are urged to keep shouting that for the sake of communism bandied must be like Argentina's bloody.
birthday today the Republic and in a recent episode of Heroes and come to the case without a supporting character -age of those in Cuba have to scream every blessed day: "We will be like Che!" - is compared with that Ernesto Guevara, to which he responds is a "rebel", while the aforementioned nasty "led a revolution, instead of saying, shocked, as required the time: "Do not compare me with that murderer!".
Today's birthday and the Republic last week, in an event Depaul University, I had the pleasure of calling the Castro dictatorship by name and surname.
birthday today and I have asked the Republic's video presentation and as soon as we'll share with friends and detractors.
birthday today the Republic and what am I writing this in New Jersey?
birthday today the Republic and the environment in the Cuban blogosphere is ideal for growing thistle and nettle.
birthday today the Republic and for the fourth or fifth or sixth or who knows what number of consecutive days I wake up not wanting to update this blog.
birthday today and I'm Republic dam bursting optimism. No wonder. Today the Republic's birthday!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Should I Workout During Herpes Outbreak
"Hello ... First 20 weeks: This week was extremely ... If, having to organize and get things for FrikiTEC was exhausting .... The whole week was to sleep at 2 or 3 am looking for and arranged things, that if the cameras, if the games that TVs in a thousand things in order ... Every time I began to think it was best to leave it, that "tomorrow we see that," he remembered he had to do for the community that they and we deserve and events despite living where we live (La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico) and kept me focused ... Ah ... But stress and worry were worth it ...
- FrikiTEC -
-All start at 8 am, we were there at the entrance of the auditorium waiting, then we thought nobody was going to open ... Soon came the manager ... And it was a relief ... then like at 8:15 we started to put things ... The audience seemed very big to fill, and at 8:30 came to install the sound while we waited for them to bring more chairs and TVs . As at 9:30 and we had most things, just needed to accommodate and connect the consoles, at that time also artists Deviant Art of La Paz began to be installed, and as at 11 we almost everything we were missing only a few videos and games. For little before 12 and everything was ready for that at that time were allowed entry to the public. And so began the people were coming saw art exhibition and gave a punches to the games and they would play for a while, people came and asked what time would be tournaments and competitions. More or less as at 13:30 the event officially opened, I was told that the director would be open, but it was not, and made a presentation to attendees who made cosplay.
sign-Ya and at 14:30 began registration for the tournament Smash Bros . Melee and an hour later the tournament. Mr was won. Karate . As at 16 began registration for the cosplay contest , registration was done in parallel for the tournament killer Instinct SNES of this tournament was held at 16:40 and was won Dayco . cosplay contest was held as at 17:30 with 27 participants, costumes were varied, for example "filler boy", "the Wuey the call of duty, "" pikachu transformer revenge, "was also clear of things" normal.
"After the introduction of participants and the judges deliberated 5 finalists were chosen.
"This is in summary what happened in the FrikiTEC hope we can organize an event like soon, well I thank who took the time to read this.
-PS Do not say that thing are the finalists pa 'have it investigated and forgiveness the photos are so poor but I could not get better today ... Then I'll get more and put a post with pure pictures of the event.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tamil Words In Tamil Wedding
corner of chao, chao
Teresa Dovalpage
Today I begin to take off his hat (the hat, the hat) to all bloggers and bloggers I know and read. After this experiment in my corner of Havana, I understand how difficult it is to write a regular column and try to keep each time a cool tone, ligerita, without repetition or cunning literary. And mine was just once a week. How do they manage those with daily appointment with your readers? Where do issues? Not keep the secret, please ... I'm all ears.
When downloading my blues I was surprised about the cemetery realized that I had reached my limit, which had already gone through all the streets of Havana and was not more than me. So here I give the most expressive and heartfelt thanks to Alexis for giving me this space and all those who have had the patience to read me santa for months and leave me comments.
not that this seems like a farewell ... but do you think they will get rid of me so easily? No, man, no. I have another idea in the pot and with the permission of Alexis, the earliest start to cook. An eclectic
dialectical idea
and multicultural.
(very typical of the global village.)
So this is not goodbye, sad it aeternum of the Romans, but a very Cuban chao, chao.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
First Time Brazillian Wax Red Spots
Teresa Dovalpage funny pays homage to The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller with his new mortgage Until us part. Philip Carballo is a Cuban exile, fifties and womanizer, whose real estate company is reeling because of the market crisis. His family life also suffers because his wife (who lives obsessed with soap operas) discovers that they are about to lose the house, and his son looking for the right moment to reveal a secret that everyone knows but nobody dares to get light. Philip's mistress suggest you leave Miami and start a new life elsewhere. But is there a second chance in these times we live in?
This hilarious book, which Belascoaín and Neptune already published an excerpt - will make his debut (in English) on 22 May and will be in theaters until June 21 in Stinger Theater (located at 2707 N. Laramie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60639 , phone: (773) 637-5899, email: ).
A fine those who like humor and those who enjoy violent laughter: I recommend that you book your tickets now. Then do not say I did not notice in time.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
C0000005 Error Winther Town
I have had very little time to blog these days. Reasons have left. Then to-do and a couple of months, vanished the opportunity to participate in a panel on Cuban literature, with Achy Obejas and Cristina García in Depaul University - late last week the invitation came to the mat. And again I say yes, in principle, it would be a privilege and an honor to share a table with such distinguished writers and countrymen.
And then I got the official invitation. The panel in question is entitled "Liberating Memories: Writers on the Cuban Revolution "(Memoirs liberating: writers speak [/ comment] on the Cuban revolution). Although the organizers call it revolution I say dictatorship, did not pay much attention to slip; total, call it what you call it, in that panel, would reflect the actions of the regime of the island and the continuing repression that Cubans are subjected to survive under its thumb. So far, well and good. However, noting that this was the fourth date of a lecture series that is called " Conmemoration of the Cuban Revolution" rejected the offer, claiming that he could not participate in a commemoration of the regime that caused my exile and many lives has cost the Cuban people . To my surprise, the organizers told me almost immediately saying that this was not at all a celebration, that the word "mark" was used in this case to "mark" the date, but not to "celebrate" and that, Indeed, in earlier cycle panels had invited Gary Marx, who was, in that order, Cuba correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and expelled from the island by his writings, and had presented the documentary Misconduct , Nestor Almendros.
Given this new landscape and then discuss the details of the event with two organizers of the and make sure it was not a birthday I celebrate those who sporadically the system of the island some American universities, accepted the invitation to participate in the panel, which will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13 from 6-8 pm at DePaul University (Student Center, room 315), 2250 N. Sheffield Ave (at the intersection of Belden and Sheffield), Chicago, IL 60614.
I invite friends and detractors to take a leap. Those interested who can not attend: if I can shoot the presentation, I will upload to Youtube and hang around here as soon as possible.
I expected a long day. But I will not finish this without thanking Achy Obejas very strongly for having proposed this event.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
How Do You Delete Calls From Uverse
"This week was very short because of what Influeza continued for only two days and went to school and there was not much in those days ... What I did is worth mention-clear from my point of view, is that I saw Midori no hibi , an anime series about a young man, Seiji, which is the classic high school criminal everyone fears and some just admire the truth which does not give the women have rejected the 2nd time since his youth fears of being left with his right hand as the only "lover" but derrepente discovers that his right hand now is that whenever a girl he has loved ... That is the synopsis that I present the series ... Actually I liked a lot ... It has comedy, romance, and drama all you can ask ...
"Another thing that was worth this week LAN was made on Friday at the home of VAMR got interesting ... What else? Ah ... The reunion on Saturday to see that waves with the event and will be soon, May 16 to be precise, we must also mention that we get-well was Goku will get us on Channel 8 to promote the event .. . Supogo Well it was all good ... There was nothing wrong apart from that I got to do things when they saw me being worth-sweeping, washing dishes and stuff.
This was the review of the week 19, I hope you liked it ... Bye!
Pinnacle Pctv 150e Driver For Mac
Of all mothers, all, two prominent
mine and celebrated in his day,
for its ways and its fashions,
their postscripts and codas,
his charisma, his talent,
to be cheerful and elegant ...
and for that matter, remember
which gave birth to the bastard:
the mother of the Commander!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Cct Diag Of A Christmas Startler
Tonight, the rock band Cuban exile touch Crash Mansion (located at # 199 Bowery Street, between Spring and Rivington). If jet lag and a toothache inappropriate permitting, we will be there.
Difference Between Shift Dress And Tunic
Zapata and 12 Teresa
Reading the geographical location of the title, does anyone guessed what was going to try is this corner? No, not an ice cream shop or a store and a cinema. Nor, of course, the corner of sin, although it is one to which they end up just and the unjust alike. Mismito That is, the Colon Cemetery. Home of cold bones, stone cherubs and Carrara marble sculptures. Kingdom of crosses, bronze, niches and crowns. A silent witness to Catholic Masses, meetings and black masses tabletting freaks. Place of pilgrimage for widows and other mourners mournful loners ...
The first buried in this cemetery was precisely his architect Calixto de Loira. Ironically, or perhaps a warning that sometimes end up devouring the works to their creators. Solavaya. Watch out . Also lies there Goyri Amelia, La Milagrosa, one of the most visited cemeteries throughout the cemetery. It says that died in childbirth and was buried beside her son, who did not survive. When the remains were exhumed, found the body of the child in the arms of his mother. This fact, which gave rise to the popular veneration of Amelia, I think it is indisputable proof that the poor woman was buried alive. As in that tale delightfully macabre Poe, yes.
What Cuban has not left a loved one there in the cemetery of Columbus? Now that is coming mothers day, I think of all Cuban mothers who were buried there and this Sunday will have neither a flower nor a tear from their children away from the island.
Candanga Pardon. Normally I write gay issues but it seems that today I woke up with the Neuro.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Park Bench Plan Using Posts
cut and pasted a message Lazaro Gonzalez has left a comment to previous post:
Offensive agents of influence in Canada
These CUBAN Conference: The Measure of a Revolution [en] Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and the title of the call is associated with a simple academic conference of the thousands that are made daily in the world, but this is only the appearance.
When reviewing the agenda of the event being held from 7 to 9 May we find it much more than that, it is a theft-revolutionary offensive meticulously prepared in all aspects of scientific and cultural sectors influence Canadian intellectuals. Full schedule in Conference Program, which includes even a RUM & CIGAR CRUISE featuring the Cuban Rhythms of Los Naranjos.
The Staff of this division is made stronger by Mariela Castro, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro of Charity [MFA Vicemininistra for North America], Miguel Barnet, Nancy Morejon, Rafael Hernandez and Soraya Castro, while a Jorge I. Dominguez also make an appearance.
Event Registration costs $ 200, while hotel rooms are above the $ 125 a night. For the Assassins
engaged to monitor the site following orders, warning them in advance so that Mario will not feel offended that you inform your bosses that since I could not attend events protest in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid or New York, will have to endure my presence at the door of Queen's University during the entire duration of the event.
How Come I Sneeze When I Wake Up
Last night, as he realized a delicious meatball, he appeared at the plate the outline of Cuba. I guess this happened the same way it has unexpectedly appeared at his most faithful devotees-in pizzas, cracked walls at least thought ...- surface image of the Virgin.
For the love of the Holy Innocents, I thought, that devilish island until I get in the soup. Then I corrected myself. I had left in the soup, although at the plate.
I went back to mine and as he chewed the rest of the country realized that somehow closed a circle: the man who in Cuba did not see the meat, then go into the meat to Cuba.
Impetigo Gestation Period
-Hi ... The truth is that these weeks do not go together ... But as the truth 18 weeks was not very pleasant I had no urge to write about week 17 in those days ...
was 17 weeks that followed after the holidays ... It was very heavy academically speaking ... Since we had to prepare the exhibition of the project we are doing in the area of \u200b\u200bsystems development (I think that is the name: P), also had to finish what I lacked in Free Software ... You was the last week at work ... If I play again ... But good that you are going to do ... That week also move forward with planning the event , and decided the order of things, that there will be tournaments, among other things. Well it's all ... The truth was a week very stressful ... Work last minute and so forth ... But it happened ...
-week 18, that if it was bad ... At least in my opinion, on Monday we went to school with the idea to scold us for not doing our job ... But surprise! It turned out that days before had been cases "rare" flu (or influenza as it is called in this case, I note that both are the same) and some people died of the flu ... Then there was panic in Mexico, the government believed it was a good measure to suspend classes at all levels of education ... At first it seemed a good thing for us students did not do much in observations and we push the next week (in this case 17) ... But this was evil, at least for me, because my house is taken seriously this issue so I can not leave, if anything I'm asked to go somewhere I have to wear masks and only go where I say and as frustrating, the good thing is that this class not end soon, on May 7 will be at the school again, the truth and want to go ... Not told them about what I did in my house because it was not long ... Rather, it was frustrating ... The only "productive" thing I did was install Windows Vista on my XP laptop and keeping the " Ubunchu " but the "Ubunchu" stay in the dark, and I had to restore GRUB , but for this I had to get the "Ubunchu" and since we walked in those things down the new version that had like two days that had gone so the 9.04 restore GRUB after I told myself that I do not install the new version After that I have no info that respladar? - and so I did install the new version ... And I really like more ... Now I finish writing this I realize that if I did something "good" in these days of osio ...
+ Dokapon Journey (NDS)
+ House Of The Dead: Overkill (Wii)
+ Okami (Wii)
-Recommended "Other bullrings" tocuh
+ (Manga)
+ Dark Avengers (Comic)
+ Neko no ongaeshi (Movie-Anime) Monsters vs. Aliens
+ 3D (Movie-AnimacionOccidental)
-PS If anyone knows of any jobs let me know ... Ah ... I forgot in those Semans also went looking for the Coordinator to see that projects resisdencia have in the bank "project" but never found ... If anyone knows of any projects let me know, okay?
Monday, May 4, 2009
B Beach Volleyball Camel Toe
wandering the galleries slow of Saatchi Gallery, I found the number 13, which is located on the ground floor of the magnificent hall. "Nursing", the facility occupies the space, designed by Chinese artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, consists of thirteen sculptures nursing-size and equal number of wheelchairs dynamo in which they walk, spite of them, their old humanities.
(Before proceeding, a parenthesis: Sun Yuan and Peng Yu are two of China's most controversial artists of our time. In previous works have been used since live animals through human tissue to the bodies of children to address disparate topics and gravest).
In "Nursing", wheelchairs have motion sensors that prevent collisions with spectators. As much as I crossed the way in their path, no of wheelchairs or brushed my intention. However, nothing prevented them collide with each other over and over again. Although slowly, I saw the rage encounter of which is given to the machines, quite apart from the will of his unwilling passengers. This is curious and meets certain poetic justice, because in the asylum are forced to coexist patriarchs antagonistic religions and cults ancestral creators of new, heroes and anti-heroes on both sides of the Iron Curtain have been at the mercy of the free will of the chairs and carry their medals worn, bones, ideologies ...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Labyrinthitis After Exercising
When I mentioned that after the Roman journey would spend a week in London, some friends advised me not to stop visiting the Tate Modern, Tate Britain and the British Museum. The three suggestions are highly commendable. And, as far as it goes, I turned to them (two thirds). However, I would add and climb to the top of the list to another usual suspect: Saatchi Gallery.
Those who follow my advice next week, given the excellent show " Unveiled: New Art From the Middle East ", on display from Jan. 30 until next May 9 and features a dozen contemporary artists from the Middle East. (For some of those included in "Unveiled ", this is his debut in the UK. What they say: start with the right foot).
In all, highlighted the impressive work of Shadi Ghadirian and Kader Attia. Both commented, complementary angles, issues concerning the relationship between women-islam.
photos displayed above are owned by the gallery. The following, much lower quality from my camera.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Writing A Proposal For A Tv Programme
my mother's breasts
Teresa Dovalpage
When my mother got angry
furious, raging
(or as she said,
be pissed),
had the propensity to free the
housecoat (his Batica)
like when a tree
follows their flowers wilted.
could happen in the middle of the room,
in the room, or
leaving the bathroom where we aseábamos
of cubes. Then he walked
Amazon unpruned
which the house
breasts flapping in the air and grievances. Apart from that
my mother is
(I can assure you)
a woman