Tuesday, May 12, 2009

C0000005 Error Winther Town

I have had very little time to blog these days. Reasons have left. Then to-do and a couple of months, vanished the opportunity to participate in a panel on Cuban literature, with Achy Obejas and Cristina García in Depaul University - late last week the invitation came to the mat. And again I say yes, in principle, it would be a privilege and an honor to share a table with such distinguished writers and countrymen.

And then I got the official invitation. The panel in question is entitled "Liberating Memories: Writers on the Cuban Revolution "(Memoirs liberating: writers speak [/ comment] on the Cuban revolution). Although the organizers call it revolution I say dictatorship, did not pay much attention to slip; total, call it what you call it, in that panel, would reflect the actions of the regime of the island and the continuing repression that Cubans are subjected to survive under its thumb. So far, well and good. However, noting that this was the fourth date of a lecture series that is called " Conmemoration of the Cuban Revolution" rejected the offer, claiming that he could not participate in a commemoration of the regime that caused my exile and many lives has cost the Cuban people . To my surprise, the organizers told me almost immediately saying that this was not at all a celebration, that the word "mark" was used in this case to "mark" the date, but not to "celebrate" and that, Indeed, in earlier cycle panels had invited Gary Marx, who was, in that order, Cuba correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and expelled from the island by his writings, and had presented the documentary Misconduct , Nestor Almendros.

Given this new landscape and then discuss the details of the event with two organizers of the and make sure it was not a birthday I celebrate those who sporadically the system of the island some American universities, accepted the invitation to participate in the panel, which will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13 from 6-8 pm at DePaul University (Student Center, room 315), 2250 N. Sheffield Ave (at the intersection of Belden and Sheffield), Chicago, IL 60614.

I invite friends and detractors to take a leap. Those interested who can not attend: if I can shoot the presentation, I will upload to Youtube and hang around here as soon as possible.

I expected a long day. But I will not finish this without thanking Achy Obejas very strongly for having proposed this event.


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