Friday, May 8, 2009

Difference Between Shift Dress And Tunic

Prints Havana (XXVII) Offensive

Zapata and 12 Teresa

Reading the geographical location of the title, does anyone guessed what was going to try is this corner? No, not an ice cream shop or a store and a cinema. Nor, of course, the corner of sin, although it is one to which they end up just and the unjust alike. Mismito That is, the Colon Cemetery. Home of cold bones, stone cherubs and Carrara marble sculptures. Kingdom of crosses, bronze, niches and crowns. A silent witness to Catholic Masses, meetings and black masses tabletting freaks. Place of pilgrimage for widows and other mourners mournful loners ...

The first buried in this cemetery was precisely his architect Calixto de Loira. Ironically, or perhaps a warning that sometimes end up devouring the works to their creators. Solavaya. Watch out . Also lies there Goyri Amelia, La Milagrosa, one of the most visited cemeteries throughout the cemetery. It says that died in childbirth and was buried beside her son, who did not survive. When the remains were exhumed, found the body of the child in the arms of his mother. This fact, which gave rise to the popular veneration of Amelia, I think it is indisputable proof that the poor woman was buried alive. As in that tale delightfully macabre Poe, yes.

What Cuban has not left a loved one there in the cemetery of Columbus? Now that is coming mothers day, I think of all Cuban mothers who were buried there and this Sunday will have neither a flower nor a tear from their children away from the island.

Candanga Pardon. Normally I write gay issues but it seems that today I woke up with the Neuro.


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